State of Minnesota Proclamation for Veterans Day 2018

The following proclamation was issued on October 10th by Governor Dayton for Veterans Day 2018.

WHEREAS: A century ago, 4.7 million American families and 118,497 Minnesota families sent their sons and daughters off to World War I; and

WHEREAS: These men and women served selflessly and honorably, and the resources of the State of Minnesota and our entire nation were brought to bear in the war effort; and

WHEREAS: In total, 3,607 Minnesotans and 116,516 Americans gave their lives in the War, and more than 200,000 Americans were wounded; and

WHEREAS: The tolling of bells is a traditional expression of honor and remembrance of the lives of Americans lost in World War I; and

WHEREAS: On November 11, 2018, the world will commemorate the lOOth anniversary of the Armistice that ended the fighting in World War I at 11:00 a.m., November 11,1918: the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month; and

WHEREAS: The World War I Centennial Commission calls upon Americans across the nation and in Minnesota to toll bells in remembrance of those who served in World War I at 11:00 a.m. on November 11, 2018.

NOW, THEREFORE, I, MARK DAYTON, Governor of Minnesota, do hereby proclaim Sunday, November 11, 2018, as: ARMISTICE CENTENNIAL REMEMBRANCE DAY in the State of Minnesota.

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